CARS Scale (no longer
available online) The company who made this (for use only by
professionals) requested that we remove it. It will be rewritten in a form
more useful to parents and for the use of parents copyrighted by myself.
Good Description
of complete medical exam
Allergies, Constipation, Diarrhea Vitamins
Children with these sorts of issues have been put on a Gluten/Casein Free
Diet with great success.
From: Hillary Hays
Diet Information
Books on Candida/Yeast (By Carole )
Allergy & Candida Cooking made easy by Sandra K.Lewis
Coping With Candida by Sally Rockwell
The Candida Control Cookbook by Gail Burton
Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook by Jeanne M. Martin
The Yeast Connection Cookbook by Dr. William Crook
Easy Bread Making For Special Diets by Nicleete M.Dumke
g/f diet; research and background (see note with next URL)
Gluten & Casein Free Diet. An Experimental Intervention For Autism. Dr. Lisa S.
Lewis. (Article)--Many of us have had very good results using this dietary intervention
g/f diet research
Who to contact when you just can't find it:
DMG: the
DMG is under the B6 vitamins and they do ship outside of the USA
sorry but they don't ship outside of the USA
Mother on DMG

The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, by Miranda
Castro. A good introductory book. It covers a great deal of daily life and includes
methodology, an abbreviated materia medica and repertory. It's a good starting point for
an introduction. (review by Anat S)
Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Stephen
Cummings, M.D.and Dana Ullman, M.P.H. For a general understanding and
day-to-day care (review by Melissa W)
Homeopathic Medicine at Home by Maesimund B. Panos, M.D. and
Jane Heimlich For a general understanding and day-to-day care (review by
Melissa W)
The Homeopathic Treatment of Children, by Paul Herscu,
N.D. For a deeper picture, this is excellent. This books gives detailed
descriptions of eight different constitutional types of children. Constitutional
treatment is deeper acting than just treating colds, aches and pains, etc. (review
by Melissa W)
Illness, Yeast Infections
Description at
Each family must make a personal choice to immunize their children or
not. Most will agree that most immunizations are completely safe for most children,
BUT there seems to be quite a controversy over who fits in with "most" and what
constitutes normal. Bad reactions happen, and some children seem prone to allergies
and reactions. About the only rule of thumb that I've been able to see is that
children with known egg allergies should ask about what exactly is in the shot.
Children with siblings or cousins with Developmental Delays that aren't attributable to
Antibiotics or Yeast Infections should be very cautious about certain types of shots like
MMR and DPT.
Autism Autoimmunity Project
B6, Magnesium, Folic Acid
Vitamin C
From: Hillary Hays (a great lady and a great source of
Paul Shattock at the URL:
Sulphur Transferase Abnormalities
American Epilepsy
Epilepsy Foundation of America You can get a lot of information directly from the American
Epilepsy Foundation . They will send a large package of general information. (from Lisa S)
Washington University Comprehensive
Epilepsy Program
Parents Guide to Seizures and Epilepsy from Johns
Hopkins (from our public library), and I do think these folks have some very knowledgable
people who are really dedicated to assisting their patients, particularly children. Their
book was open minded about using or avoiding various medications, as well as diet and
particularly identifying stress factors that play an important role in triggering
seizures. Johns Hopkins Medical Centre has a book "Seizures and Epilepsy in
childhood: A Guide for Parents" by Drs. Freeman, Vining & D. Pillas. Here is a
summary of information from that book. (The book is often available through public
Generalized Seizures
ABSENCE (non-convulsive) ("petit mal")
- starts without warning
- glazed look and stares
- does not know what is happening
- can not recall things that occurred before the seizure
- seconds (brief)
- ends abruptly, with child alert
- no confusion afterward
- may occur many times a day
- can often be produced with hyperventilation (20 deep breaths)
- consciousness is altered
- EEG pattern is three per second spikes and waves
- easily treated; usually outgrown
- similar to absence seizure
- may have more pronounced motor symptoms (tonic or clonic spells)
- may have automatisms (like in complex partial seizures)
- more common with a damaged nervous system
- often associated with other types of seizures
- often has "a typical" EEG
- may last longer than typical absence seizure
- more difficlut to control with medictions thatn Typical Absence Seizures
- abrupt (sudden) jerks of muscle groups
- abrupt increase in tone in a muscle group resulting in sudden movement of that part of
the body
- in extensor muscles, head thrown back, back arches, legs extend, may be thrown backward
to the ground
- often only one manifestation of a mixed seizure disorder commonly assicated with mental
- like being jolted by an electric shock
- repeated myoclonic jerks can be a difficult to control form of epilepsy
- like myoclonic; are sudden single events
- difficult to control
- sudden loss of tone or posture; head slumps forward
- generalized seizure
- seizures involving sudden changes in tone may have either myoclonic or
atonic seizures, and often both
(Tonic Phase)
- stiffens and loses consciousness and falls to the ground
- eyes roll back , head goes back, back arches, arms stiffen, legs stiffen
- like myoclonic, but tonic phase happens more slowly
(Clonic Phase)
- rhythmic jerking - fists clenched, arms repeatedly flex at elbows, then relax briefly
- legs flex at the hip and knee joint in a similar fashion
- head may flex and fall backwards
- movements are rhythmic and rapid, several per second and then slowing (NOT flailing or
trembling seen in imitationor pseudo seizures)
- end of jerking is usually accompanied by a deep sigh, after which normal breathing
resumes (Post-Ictal State)
- seizure over, child is NOT awake and will not respond
- can be wakened, but may feel tired and confused
- muscles may be sore
N.B. Seizure may only have tonic, or only clonic before post-ictal state
- rhythmic jerking of an extremety or the whole body
- rare
- seldom occur without a preceeding tonic phase (usually second component of tonic-clonic
Partial (Focal) Seizures
- eyes, head and body will turn away from the side of the body where the seizure is
located: for the right side of the body, vision is in the left brain occipital lobe, and
speech is in the left brain Temperal lobe
- abdominal sensation (cramps, discomfort) may indicate mesial temporal lobe - Insula
- emotions of fear, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, paleness or facial
flushing and memory storage (flashbacks or feelings) may occur, and may indicate mesial
temporal lobe - hippocampus
- seizures beginning in temporal lobes may stay focal or may spread rapidly to other
structures in the brain, and may spread throughout the brain (generalized seizure)
- if a focal seizure spreads to the central structures (Corpus callosum) near the frontal
lobe, then there may be
* loss of awareness
* staring
* lip smacking
* picking at one's clothes
* wandering around aimless and confused (automatisms)
COMPLEX PARTIAL SEIZURE (or partial complex seizure)
- alters awareness or consiousness
- starts focal, then,
* both sides of cortex dysfunction at same time, or,
* interuption of the communication between cortex and more central part of the brain
- seizure starts (like absence seizure) and child stops, stares, and is unaware of his
- in addition, there is often a period of confusion after the child stops staring
- child may get up and wander around the room, pick at his clothes, and fail to respond
- if child is restrained, the child may lash out and even become highly agitated
- gentle guidance and supervision at such times is far better than trying to make him sit
- child may remember the beginning of the seizure, when he possible felt the aura (warning
- may be vaguely aware of people responding to his behavior during and after the seizure
- causes sensation or movement
- sensory symptoms include individual sensations in a part of the body
(temporal lobe source produces smells, tastes, fears or memories)
- movement can involve motor control of face, hand and leg
Aura - if the child does have an aura, point out that it can be a useful warning;
encourage him to pay attention to an aura so that he can avoid harmful situations
Deja Vu - deja vu may occur, which is a sensation that you have seen something or someone
before, whether or not you have. This sensation is normal and common, but when it occurs
repeatedly, it can be a manifestation of Complex Partial Seizures eminating from the
temporal lobe
Epilepsy - Recurrent (two or more) seizures not provoked by sepcific events such as
trauma, infection, fever, or chemical changes. Seizures may take many forms. Patterns of
epilepsy that are similar and have a predictable outcome are termed epileptic syndromes
Epilectic cephalalgia - The headache that follows some seizures. Seizures increase blood
flow to the brain, resulting dilation of blood vessels may cause a post-seizure headache.
Migraine headaches can be mistaken for epileptic cephalalgia.
Epileptogenic - Susceptible to a seizure. Areas of the brain more susceptible to seizures
than other areas are considered epileptogenic. The temporal and frontal lobes are usually
more epileptogenic than other regions
Hyperventilate - To over-breathe. A physician may instruct your child to take a number of
deep breathes for two to four minutes. This over-ventilation may couse an absence or
complex partial seizure, which can then be observed by your doctor. Rapid breathing during
exercise is rarely assoicted with a seizure. Anxiety may cause an individual to
over-breathe or to hyperventilate
Idiopathic - Of unknown cause. Seizures are called "idiopathic seizures" if no
cause can be found. Causes are found in more than half of the children experienceing
seizures. Idiopathic seizures often have a better coutcome than those that are
"sympomatic," that is, for which cause can be found.
Lennox-Gastout syndrome - A condition that includes two or more types of seizures, one of
which is the akinetic (a tonic, falling-down type). Absence seizures and generalized
tonic-clonic seizures, occuring particularly at night, are common. The EEG shows
generalized slow spike or poly-spike and slow wave abnormalities. Mental retardation is
common and often progressive. This is a severe seizure type and one that is difficult to
Pseudo-seizures - Events that resemble seizures but are not caused, as a seizure is, by
electrical abnormalities in the brain. Pseudo-seizures may be a child's conscious
imitation of seizures, a way of coping with stress, or it may be subconsious.
Pseudo-seizures often occur in persons who also have true seizures and may be difficult to
differentiate from true seizures.
Seizure - A paroxysmal (episodic) electrical discharge of neurons (nerve cells) in the
brain resulting in alteration of function or behavior. There are many different forms of
seizures, depending on where in the brain the activity starts and on the direction and
rapidity of its spread in the brain.
I also hope you understand I am not a doctor or seizure specialist. I am just trying to
pass on information I found very helpful as we learned about the seizures our son was
experiencing. (from Lisa S)