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10/19 Ok, I did finish the reunion stuff, but I totally broke the knitting blog part. I think I know that I did wrong, but I'm not really sure how to fix it. I also really want to get another computer to do this on. This computer seems like something within the processor is broken and it just doesn't want to run. Not to animize the computer, but it's as if it's in slow motion running at 3/4 speed and totally balking for pdf or flash. Really gets interesting when the kids' online school stuff is using far too much flash - but you really get what you pay for with those things.

So, I'm on a mission to earn enough for a laptop for myself. No art programs, not full of the 50 types of character studies that someone loves, nor the bunches of game driven programs that someone else loves. Just my stuff so that I can actually do them without having to run virus checks and code checks to see what else is really running. Does that make sense? So, I'll be adding more Amazon stuff, and tightening up my dis-organization so maybe this stuff will be more helpful.

The other thing that I'm chewing over is the issues that I'd like to get into print. Some woman has printed my web page. Her daughter probably is named Nichole, but still. To just put something out there that is only purple strips away from my website is just plagerism. I'm not mad enough to sew, but I am mad enough to start putting my ideas more online so that ya'll will know that I"m working on it. The financial stuff and how to get ahead without dealing drugs or ammunition. The organization stuff for people with just a shadow of issue that are having trouble knowing when/how to clean, what to do in a "normal" routine, or what to throw away. Even the Autism stuff where people just don't fit into traditional autism or Asperger's or are already an adult with good coping skills - just need a place to reference for those little issues that aren't being addressed elsewhere. I'd like to have a Ravelry for autism issues. A facebook for doctors that actually have help to offer.

Does that make any sense? There's bunches of places to get help, but they are geared to mothers of children or tech geeks (2nd Life) - quiet men are just sitting on the sidelines not able to say "What about me?" And, I have no idea how to get them even talking about the issue that they are being ignored. It's not that I want to diagnose everyone - although it is tempting to line everyone up, just that I *KNOW* that there are issues that aren't even coming onto radar because the people just don't know how to discuss faceblindness, Executive Disfunction, keeping relationships, planning meals - those little issues that add up into "Wow, I'm failing and I don't know why."

8/22/08 Ok, ok. I haven't finished cropping and snipping the pictures yet, but I'm already distracted. New knitting blog! Just because I really like this template and I want to use it - I've taken the knitting from the blogspot and started it up again over here. I've been doing lace and blankets, so I'll still get those pictures up, but I aspire to perfect my sockies.

8/18/08 Hello, crazy relatives!! Since everyone does have this address, I'm putting up a photo essay of the pictures from the reunion. They are saved on the computer, and I'm in the middle of cropping right now. But, I wanted to put up a note quickly that my favorite picture of the day is Emily singing to the fish from the bridge.

The first few pictures of the photo essay. If anyone wants to volunteer to label the Olsons, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I'll have to kidnap Grampa and make him help me.

1/26 I've finally had to buy a book about how to deal with Dreamweaver. I got the website to come up in Dreamweaver, but I still don't have how to change things. So, I've updated the homeschool site in Frontpage and at least got the newsletter online. I tried to work on the calendar, but the html doesn't work very well with xhtml, so I'm not going to fix up the old design.

BBC "On This Day"

9/4 I've updated the program that I use to publish! It's still the same site, but at least *NOW* it'll publish correctly. I'll post what I'm up do as I run through the updates and get this back into some sort of semblence.

In other news - I've just read my preview and "Thank You" copy of Mary Griffith's new book "Viral Learning". <Double Snap> Fabulous job, Mary! I used my excitment to skim the whole thing in an hour. I promise that I'll give it a real read tonight, and actually think about what a good review would say.

Will's Video.

10/23 Updated Event calendar.

9/21  Bemidji HomeSchool website
          my blog

8/8   I put together a web page for the local homeschool group.  (update - BemidjiHS now has free email addresses, and will be getting a calendar service soon!)

The other big news is that I finally decided to go live with a blog.  I've had a few different ones, but they just weren't as all that as they were plugged to be.  Blogger finally caught up to what I wanted - so the official address is  Feel free to comment, link, or just read when you get bored. 

9/14   Please enjoy the Saga of Eleventh Grade - HAIR! 

If you liked Star Wars, you will love Will's new movie!  Ok, so you may not love it, but it's still pretty cute.  William with a light saber, what could go wrong?

5/2 I condensed the "Books about Autism" page into the best recommended and best sellers. 

Make sure that you check out Leo's website for his documentary that he's been filming for the last couple of years.

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