This is the page with
direct links to to help you find out what books are available to help
you. Whenever possible, I've added the recommendations that came
with the referrals of these books, but because I try not to use names without
permission - some books are referred by actual people without the actual review.
Some of the books listed below also have reviews on the Amazon site - just use
your back button to come back to this list. Feel free to print this to
take to your library and try to order them through the inter-library loan
programs. (For just the best recommended
and best sellers - click "Book About Autism - Short
List") * Means the book is highly recommended
and Language Acquisition : Discoveries from Atypical Development by Lauren B.
Adamson (Editor), Mary Ann Romski (Editor)
the Special Education Maze : A Guide for Parents & Teachers by
Winifred Anderson, Stephen Chitwood, Deidre Hayden
* Asperger's
Syndrome : A Guide for Parents and Professionals by Tony Attwood, Lorna Wing
* Sensory Integration and the Child by Jean Ayres - This book provides
information about how sensory integration can benefit children. It is out
of publication and the only way you can obtain this classic is through the
library or friends.
There's a Boy in Here by Judy and Sean Barrow - This mother-son account is
quite enlightening because the book presents two different views of the autistic
son's behavior--from both the inside and outside.
Neurobiology of Autism (Johns Hopkins Series in Psychiatry and Neuroscience)
by Margaret L., Md. Bauman (Editor), Thomas L., Md. Kemper (Editor)
* Hearing
Equals Behavior by Guy, M.D. Berard (on AIT)* Hearing Equals Behavior by Dr. Guy Berard - This book discusses how
auditory sensitivities can affect people with a variety of disorders and
explains the technique AIT (Auditory Integration Training) which was developed
by Dr. Berard.
Available from ARI.
Your Child's Diagnosis : A Practical Guide for Families Raising Children With
Disabilities by Cathy Lynn Binstock
to Independence : Teaching Everyday Skills to Children With Special Needs by
Bruce L. Baker, Alan J. Brightman, Jan B. Blacher, Louis j Heifetz (third
Autism Strikes : Families Cope With Childhood Disintegrative Disorder by Robert
A. Catalano (Editor) Heller's Syndrome
of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders by Donald J. Cohen
(Contributor), Fred R., MD Volkmar (Editor)
Autism : What We Know, Don't Know, and Can Do to Help Young Children With Autism
and Related Disorders
by Shirley Cohen (great reviews covers recent studies)
The Ultimate Stranger by Carl Delacato - This book, although over 20 years,
is still an excellent overview of hypo and hypersensitivities of various sensory
systems, which is now considered a hallmark of autism, and suggests ways to
help. Available from ARI
With Autism : The Parents' Stories by Kathleen M. Dillon
Perceptual Prerequisites for Reading by Uta Murrar, Frank B Frith (Editor)
and Asperger Syndrome by Uta Frith (Editor)
: Explaining the Enigma (Cognitive Development) by Uta Frith
* Autism Treatment Guide by Elizabeth Gerlach - This book outlines various treatment
options, both mainstream and alternative, for autism in an unbiased manner and provides
key references, addresses and phone numbers to help parents research them further.
Available from ARI.
Laughing Loving; More Laughing and Loving by Wayne Gilpin - These two books
gives anecdotes about the endearing behavior of our children. Sometimes
it's comforting to know others share the autism adventure. Available from
ARI and Future Horizons.
: Labeled Autistic by Temple Grandin, Margaret M. Scariano (Temple
Gandin has autism, and garners great reviews. Definately a work to read to
understand autism from the inside)
* Thinking
in Pictures : And Other Reports from My Life With Autism by Temple Grandin,
Oliver Sacks (Temple Gandin has autism, and garners great reviews.
Definately a work to read to understand autism from the inside)
and the Family : Problems, Prospects, and Coping With the Disorder by David E.
Gray (not yet published, click to pre-order)
* The Child With Special Needs: Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional
Growth by Dr. Stanley Greenspan, Serena Weider and Robin Simon - This book shows
how to move beyond labels to observe the unique profile--strengths and
problems--of the individual child. Next, they demonstrate the techniques, such
as Floor Time, necessary to help the child not only reach key
milestones but also develop new emotional and intellectual capacities. It
includes case histories too.
of Children With Autism : A Guide for Families (Topics in Autism) by Sandra L.
Parent's Guide to Autism by Charles A. Hart includes success rates for
popular "treatments"
* Homeschooling
Children with Special Needs by Sharon Hensley, MA (1995 version) - This book
will give you confidence to teach your child at home, help you find resources
and guidelines for planning and effective home-school program, give you the
vocabulary and ideas to make good decisions for your child, provide you
emotional strength and help you identify attitudes that support effective
teaching. Noble Publishing Associates, P.O Box 2250, Gresham, OR 97030
(800) 225-5259 Her book is excellent IMHO!!! :-) (Tammy G) (Aut-2b-Home
Children with Special Needs by Sharon Hensley, MA (1997 version Not yet
shipping, on order) - This book will give you confidence to teach your child at
home, help you find resources and guidelines for planning and effective
home-school program, give you the vocabulary and ideas to make good decisions
for your child, provide you emotional strength and help you identify
attitudes that support effective teaching. Noble Publishing Associates,
P.O Box 2250, Gresham, OR 97030 (800) 225-5259
* Learning
in Spite of Labels by Joyce Herzog - This book is written by an LD
specialist with 25 years experience and provides teaching tips and explanations
of learning styles, vision therapy, IEPs and speech and language development in
understandable language. Greenleaf Press, 3761 Highway 109 North, Unit D,
Lebanon, TN 37057 (800) 311-1508,,
(Aut-2b-Home recommended)
and Using Curricula: For your Special Child by Joyce Herzog
: Preparing for Adulthood by Patricia Howlin
the Nature of Autism : A Practical Guide by Janice E. Janzen (great
and Teaching Children With Autism by Rita Jordan, Stuart Powell
Sonrise; Sonrise, The Miracle Continues by Barry Neil Kauffman - These books
describe his son's emergence from autism and of how the Option technique was
developed when he encouraged his son to engage with people in his environment.
Walk : A Story About Autism by Laurie Lears, Karen Ritz (Illustrator), Judith
Mathews (explaining autism)
Miracle to Believe in by Barry Neil Kaufman
Developmentally Disabled Children : The Me Book by O. Ivar Lovaas
Autistic Child : Language Development Through Behavior Modification O.
Ivar Lovaas / Published 1977 (out of print, click for instructions on
Problems of Autism : Experimental Analysis of Autism O. Ivar Lovaas /
Published 1986 (out of print, click for instructions on availability)
Research on Autism : Behavior Problems Vol 1 O. Ivar Lovaas (Editor) / Published
1994 (out of print, click for instructions on availability)
in Behavior Modification With Deviant Children. Ole Ivar, Comp. Lovaas /
Published 1974
to Listen : Positive Approaches and People With Difficult Behavior by
Herbert Lovett, Hubery Lovett
and the Secret of Susan (Baby Sitters Club, No 32) by Ann M. Martin
(Susan has autism)
* Let
Me Hear Your Voice : A Family's Triumph over Autism by Catherine Maurice (great
Intervention for Young Children With Autism : A Manual for Parents and
Professionals by Catherine Maurice (Editor), Gina Green (Editor),
Stephen C. Luce (Editor)
The Siege by Clara Claiborne Parks - This book describes the first eight
years with an autistic child, plus an epilogue 15 years later. Available
from ARI.
Learning Disorders : A Neuropsychological Framework by Bruce F., Ph.D.
Children With Autism : Strategies to Enhance Communication and Socialization by
Kathleen Ann Quill (Editor)
Children With Inadequate Communication : Development Language Disorder, Autism,
Mental Deficiency (Clinics in
Developmental Medicine, No 139 by Isabelle Rapin (Editor) (description
by Amazon) Book Description :
Accurate diagnosis of the cause of ineffective communication in the preschool
child is not possible simply through use of
standard neurological and medical examinations. Distinguishing language limited
disorders from those concomitant with mental
deficiency or autism requires careful attention to a wide range of behavior patterns, study of creative play and analysis of
neuropsychological and language tests. This volume presents the results of one of
the largest multidisciplinary studies which
considers the practical problems of diagnosis through use of these different
Individualized Home Education for Life Preparation by Rhonda Robinson - This
book helps you write an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) by providing forms,
checklists, examples and other methods of logging and documenting the work you
do with your child. Christian Life Workshop (Aut-2b-Home recommended)
Individuals With Autism (Current Issues in Autism) by Eric Schopler, Gary
B. Mesibov (Editor)
Survival Manual : A Guide to Crisis Resolution in Autism and Related
Developmental Disorders by Eric Schopler (Editor) (sounds like a must
have for aggressive children. Review anyone?)
World of the Autistic Child : Understanding and Treating Autistic Spectrum
Disorders by Bryna Siegel great reviews
With Autism : A Developmental Perspective (Developing Child Series) by Marian
Sigman, Lisa Capps
World of the Autistic Child : Understanding and Treating Autistic Spectrum
Disorders by Bryna Siegel (great reviews)
* Hidden Child by Jeanne Simons and Sabine Oishi - This book discusses the
Linwood Method for teaching children with autism and provides some unique
insights on following a child's interests and using strengths. Available
from Woodbine House, 5615 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852 (800)
and Treatment of Severe Behavior Problems : Models and Methods in Developmental
Disabilities by Nirbhay N. Singh (Editor)
Success : Nine Autistic Children, Childhood to Adulthood by Virginia
Walker Sperry, Sally Provence
Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests : Administration, Norms, and Commentary
by Otfried Spreen, Esther Strauss
in the Rain : Stories of Exceptional Progress by Parents of Children With
Special Needs by Annabel Stehli
of a Miracle : A Childs Triumph over Autism by Annabel Stehli,
"The Out of Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping w/ Sensory Integration
Dysfunction" by Carol Stock is a current book on Sensory Integration, very useful for
parents! Stanley Greenspan wrote a little note of praise on the back as well.
* The
Way They Learn by Cynthia Tobias - This book is not about homeschooling, but
does describe learning styles of children and teaching to their strengths.
Christian Book Distributors, 140 Summit Street, Peabody, MA 01960-5156 (978)
(Aut-2b-Home recommended)
Child Can Succeed : Making the Most of Your Child's Learning Style by Cynthia
Ulrich Tobias
Out the Best in Your Child : 80 Ways to Focus on Every Kid's Strengths by
Cynthia Ulrich Tobias, Carol Funk
You Know What I Like About You : Jump-Starting Virtues and Values in Your Child
by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias
to Angels by Esther Watson explaining autism - great review
Color to the Blind by Donna Williams
Nobody, Nowhere; Somebody, Somewhere; Just Like Color to the Blind by Donna
Williams - These three autobiographies provides invaluable insight about what
autism is like from the inside. Available from ARI (except the last one).
Nowhere : The Extraordinary Autobiography of an Autistic by Donna Williams
Somewhere : Breaking Free from the World of Autism by Donna Williams
The Wilbarger approach is a great one, used by many therapists, For more
1. "Sensory Defensiveness in Children-An Intervention Guide for Parents and
Other Caretakers" P.Wilbarger & JL Wilbarger. Santa Barbara Calf.
Avanti Educational Programs. (1991)
2. "A Parents Guide to Understanding Sensory Integration." Sensory
Integration International (1986)
3. Sensory Integration and the Child. A.Jean Ayres. Los Angeles Western
Psychologist Services (1979)
4. Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice by A.Fisher, E.Murray, & ABundy,
Philadelphia F.A, Davis (1991).
You can also write to Sensory Integration International at 1602 Cabrillo Avenue,
Torrance ,Calf. 90501-2701.

Copyright 1995 -2005 Shannon
Saturday, September 10, 2005