
I did manage to find one study published on the results of secretin therapy.  It wasn't good.  Since no-one else has published - I'm going to leave this site up to explain why everyone got so excited about it.  I also did take the secretin email list down.  It seemed that some people abused it as a forum for their own issues instead of keeping it about the secretin studies.  Sorry!


 Firstly, Mrs Victoria Beck has a book available about how she "discovered" the effects of secretin on autism, and her theories.  Available at
The doctors don't know either.  One doctor has quoted a 70% success rate on the 25 children that he's infused.  Speech improvements in 1-12 days!!  That alone makes this the most exciting thing to happen in this field in years.

Results have been seen in an estimated 45-50% of children nationwide.   It has been commented that secretin WITH a vitamin infusion reduces positive changes.  It's also been said that Secretin and Nystatin (a yeast medication) together don't mix - you don't have to discontinue, just be sure there's no Nystatin in the stomach during the infusion.  Trying secretin with other drugs like Prozac and Seizure medication has been done with no noted ill effect - BUT this isn't a large enough sample to be SURE.

  Best Candidates for this seem to be children with obvious "gut" issues shown by odd bowel movements, yet improvements have been noted across the spectrum, including kids with Angleman's syndrome.  There's no factor yet identified as to why some children aren't showing benefits and some are.  There are no significant side effects yet noted.  One is an infection (cold, flu like) after the infusion - this has been questioned as possibly just the kids that are exposed to quite a few bugs due to traditional schooling.  A more serious note is hyperactivity - possibly because of toxicity or yeast die off, or getting a high effect from the secretin infusion.  One mother reports that she didn't see the hyperactivity until the third infusion.  This hopefully will be addressed in studies that track dosage.  The 70% result is noted by the doctor using 2 units per Kg of body weight.  While others are using an entire vial regardless of weight.

Found out this morning, courtesy Dr L and a retired nurse - Don't use IV Versed without adequate life support equipment and training - such are not usually found in physician's offices!  Oral versed would be an acceptable form of sedation.   Other comments include that a "mummy" body wrap might be soothing and restraining, with a 25 gauge butterfly to the ankle.


Here are more Secretin links  From: Renee   Searching for answers   BBC News | Health | Mother stumbles across tr...   Autism Research Institute   Secretin as an intervention for autism 15 Sep...   secretin   Autism Main Index (SFTAH)   Secretin and PDD/Autism   Secretin  as an intervention for autism 10 Nov...   Autism Research Unit Homepage   An assessment of some of the unorthodox forms.

Page by John Wills Lloyd on how secretin works.

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Copyright 1995 -2000 Shannon Anderson

Sunday, May 01, 2005