Ways to
make things visual, processing disorders
Dale Seymour - This catalog features manipulatives for math and science plus
a small section on art, music and reading. Some children learn math
better when they use manipulatives to explore math and make concepts
concrete. P.O. Box 5026, White Plains, NY 10602-5026 (800) 872-1100, grapevine@awl.com,
Different Roads to Learning, Julie Azuma's company; books
and flash cards, software, stuff like that.
Labeling Tutor by Jim Schumacher - This computer program teaches children
with learning disabilities to associate written words and sounds with
pictures. It was created by the parent of a child with autism and employs
discrete trial methods. You can add your own pictures, alter all
written labels, and change all stimulus, response and label sounds.
Available from Jim <peuapeu@aol.com>
directly or the following company: Different Roads to Learning, 12 West 18th
Street, Suite, 3E, New York, NY 10011 (800) 853-1057, julie@difflearn.com,
Description is at the following website: http://members.aol.com/peuapeu/index.html
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