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 AIT (Auditory Integration Therapy) - This therapy has decreased auditory sensitivity in some children with autism.  The research about AIT has mixed results, varying from none to dramatic improvement.  Different organizations  promote AIT

Dr Guy Berard - the story of the beginnings of AI.  Also has links to his books, and a list of approved AIT practitioners.

Beginnings - seems to offer pretty much everything from aids to teaching methods and support

Earobics - This software was developed to improve auditory processing, but does not have the research and testing to demonstrate how effective it is. Some of the programs include sound number recall, rhyming, same and different sounds, recognition of long and short vowel sounds in words, recognition of compound words.  At $59 plus shipping, it's much less expensive than Fast Forward. Cognitive Concepts, Inc, 1123 Emerson Street, Suite 202, Evanston, IL 60201 (888) 328-8199,,

EASe (Electronic Auditory Stimulation effect) - This form of AIT has a 60 minute AIT session recorded on one CD.  There are two CD's available, which can be played in the home if one has a high quality sound system and headphones.  There are no studies that compare results of EASe to Berard or Tomatis AIT. 

Fast ForWord - This software is designed for children who have difficulty distinguishing sounds.  The child works for an hour and 40 minutes per day 5 days a week for approximately 8 weeks.  Each day the results are sent via the Internet to Scientific Learning Corporation.  Their computer analyzes data and sends back an individually work list for the next day.  Research indicates PDD children average gains of about 6 month (while CAPD children gained 18 months). Scientific Learning Corporation, 417 Montgomery Street, Suite 500, San
Francisco, CA 94104  (888) 296-1470,,

The Georgiana Organization - This organization offers information on the Berard Method of AIT and a list of practitioners who perform AIT. P.O. Box 2607, Westport, CT 06880 (203) 454-1221

Laureate Learning Systems - This catalog contains a wide variety of software developed by speech language pathologists and special education professionals for language development, reading and some cognitive concepts.
110 East Spring Street, Winooski, VT 05404-1898  (800) 562-6801,,

LinguiSystems - The company offers speech and language products that help kids think and learn.  They were developed by speech language pathologists and educators for children to provide practice, skills, strategies and engaging activities for every type of learner--ones kids find funny and a bit wacky at times.  They are easily used to teach their special needs children at home.
3100 4th Avenues, East Moline, IL 61244-9700  (800) 776-4332,,

Phonics - Guide to Helping Children to Discover Phonemes  (Adapted from the CORE (Consortium on Reading Excellence, Inc. Teacher Resource Manual, 1996)

SII (Sensory Integration International) - This organization promotes knowledge of Sensory Integration through educational programs, advanced training for therapists, workshops for parents and teachers, publications, treatment and  research at the Ayres Clinic and sponsoring research at affiliates.  1402 Cravens Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501 (310) 320-2335,,

Sensory Integration therapy.  This has been a helpful approach for Nathan.  I hope I copy them correctly!!!!

Society for Auditory Integration Techniques - This non-profit organization information about auditory integration training (AIT) and other auditory-based interventions to professionals and parents through information packets, The Sound Connection, a quarterly newsletter and annual conferences. 1040 Commercial St. S.E., Suite 306, Salem, OR 97302 The real link redirects to the above link.

Straight Talk by Marisa Lapish, MA, SLP - The first book addresses correcting childhood mispronunciations and is directed toward speech articulation.  The second books focuses on language development for language-delayed children and includes activities for a Christian Home.  A companion video is available with the first book.  Available from NATHHAN

* Teach Me Language by Sabrina Freeman, PhD, and Lorelei Drake, BA - This book is a language manual for parents and therapists to teach children with autism, Asperger's syndrome and related developmental disorders who are visual learners, relatively compliant and able to communicate in some way. SKF Books, 20641 - 46 Avenue, Langley, BC  V3A 3H8  (604) 534-6956 (Shannon's note:  This is what I'm using with Nikki, and she likes to play the "games"; it's a categorized group of sequential activities for practicing language skills.  It does note that the child does need to be able to do "table work" and should be able to follow directions.  This program is a daily program.  Nikki used this, quite out of sequence, for almost a year, and her language is just a notch from perfect.  Best to borrow if from the school or another resource - it's PRICEY!)

Thinking Publications -This organizations publishes and distributes practical, easy-to-use speech-language pathology materials to help people with difficulty speaking, listening and/or thinking.  424 Galloway Street, Eau Claire, WI 54703 (800) 225-4769,,

Tomatis International - This organization has a list of accredited centers and provides information on the Tomatis method of AIT.  The purpose fo the Tomatis method is to reeducate the way people listen, improve learning and language abilities, communication, creativity and social behavior.  There are about 250 accredited Tomatis Centers in the world with it's headquarters in Paris:  6 Place de la République Dominicaine, 75017 Paris, France, Phone:  33-1-43 80 92 22,,

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